The “ba” noise and sweet potatoes!

He has discovered how to make the raspberry noise with his lips, resulting in lots of spit and “babababa’s.” It’s pretty adorable. We also tried sweet potatoes tonight…so far, he is like his dad in his distaste for them. I find this crazy – they’re so good! Oh well, we will try them again. It […]

5 months & Avocados!

Well, Lincoln is 5 months old today – crazy how time passes so quickly! I haven’t seen him much today, as tonight is our open house and I am back at school, but we celebrated with a morning with Dad and avocados! Yep, he tried his first solid (well not really) food! It’s still pretty […]

Mt. Lemmon

Sunday, we took a little drive half-way up Mt. Lemmon. It was a bit stormy surrounding us, but just slightly windy when we got out to walk around. We saw lightning in the distance near the peak of another mountain – overall there are just really beautiful views of the Tucson area from up there. […]

Baby Beethoven?

So we pulled out my keyboard today and Lincoln was immediately intrigued. I showed him how to make the music happen and he was a natural ๐Ÿ˜‰ Both Blake and I have agreed that, down the road, he’ll have to learn the piano, but if he does, he can choose any other instrument he wants. […]

Mom & Lincoln

Little man and I are settling into our new routine of not spending every second together AND not sleeping in the same room. We make a point to have lots of quality hang-out time when we are together (which is still a lot) and a fair amount of giggle time ๐Ÿ™‚ Our favorite things to […]

Baby Fashion

If you know me, you know I am generally fairly concerned with fashion – not to the extent that I’ll spend hundreds of dollars on ridiculous things I’ll wear once, but I pride myself on having taste and being somewhat knowledgable about what is in style. Well, these days, I’m honestly not super concerned about […]

First night in the crib!

So, it took 4 and a half months, but Lincoln finally slept in his crib in his room last night! We had planned on starting after I got into the back-to-school/work routine, but his stuffy nose postponed it a bit. He had been sleeping in his bassinet/pack-n-play, so the main transition was just being in […]

The Glorious World of Teething!

Drool, fussiness, snot – we are in deep, folks. No teeth on the horizon, but all the lovely teething symptoms. We bought Sophie, the overpriced dog toy of a teether (this French invention does not seem as amazing as the Swedish Nose Frida). She only gets the job done sometimes. His pacifier (Wubba) has been […]