Lincoln is 18 months old today!

The three of us took the new camera out to capture some 18 month photos, and these are some of my favorites 🙂 He’s quite a character with a very big personality! He’s talking more every day – his favorite things to say are animal noises, “please,” and “Mom” and “Dad.” We’re getting ready for a big East Coast trip in the next couple of weeks, where he’ll get to meet new family, see Auntie Moo, and ride a real “choo choo!” I can’t believe how fast the last year and a half has gone…this kid is impossible to slow down 😉

lincoln baseball baby model lincoln baseball lincoln blue sitting lincoln bw aloe lincoln bw park lincoln bw stoop lincoln bw wall lincoln bw wall2 lincoln cactus lincoln closeup park lincoln closeup wall lincoln color park lincoln color stoop lincoln gate cactus lincoln grass park lincoln grumpy wall lincoln hat park lincoln pond closeup lincoln pond closeup3 lincoln sitting flowers lincoln sitting flowers2 lincoln sitting park lincoln smiling stoop untitled

3 thoughts on “Lincoln is 18 months old today!

  1. So glad to receive this latest post. First reaction was – can’t believe all of these “different” and more grown up expressions! – I can just see the cogs turning in his little brain, as he is showing reactions and new thinking. And already 1 1/2 years old!! Give him a big hug for me, please.

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