School’s out for Summer! (finally…)

This last month has been super hectic – hence, no posts. There have been birthday parties, pool parties, baby showers, and lots of end-of-year planning and grading for this teacher/mom. Last week, my final week of school/work, Lincoln got his first upper respiratory bug (croup), which was GREAT timing. It was a rough week with a sick and pitiful little guy and Blake and I trying to stay at home with him as much as our work schedules would allow. We all survived. LASH has a lingering cough but is acting normal again. And now that I finally have time to breathe (and sit down and not worry about work for a bit), I am writing this…WHILE SICK. My badass immune system finally gave in to the baby virus, I believe due to sleep deprivation. Alas. Anyway, I figured I would take a couple of minutes to update the blog and post a couple of pictures 🙂

A few Lincoln developments: He’s definitely becoming more verbal and clearly understands most of what we say – it’s pretty remarkable. Yesterday, he was “helping” me fold and put away laundry, and he found one of Murphy’s toys and threw it in the laundry basket. I told him that it wasn’t laundry and asked him if he would please take it to Murphy in the other room, and that’s exactly what he did! Also, he’s getting very good at asking for snacks, which sounds more like “dack,” and when he drops things, he says, “uh oh.” When we get ready to leave the house and say, “Time to get shoes on!” he says something to the effect of, “choooshh” and sits down on the floor with his feet out ready for shoes. It’s really crazy how much he’s growing up and learning.

I’m excited to get to spend so much time with him this summer. I’m definitely a little bit nervous about going back to “full-time stay-at-home mom,” but it’s such valuable time, and my summer is pretty short anyway. I’ve got some fun projects and adventures planned for us, and then there’s the normal Babytime at the library, The Children’s Museum, and swimming in our pool, of course 🙂 Since I’m going back to work full-time next year, I need to really focus on relishing the time with him and taking moments (maybe hours?) to relax.

And now for a few photos from the past month or so…

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He loves playing with bubbles 🙂


After a dip in the pool


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Crazy post-nap hair


First fingerpainting! He made the grandmas pictures for Mother’s Day 🙂


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Just laying on the floor with his guitar and screwdriver…


Playing with Angus in front of his new tent!

IMG_2213Having some fun before bedIMG_2227 IMG_2239 IMG_2244

First trip to the fair! He LOVED the petting zoo 🙂

Hopefully I’ll be able to update this more now that life is a little more mellow – though, I’ll tell you what: this little firecracker is anything but mellow!

One thought on “School’s out for Summer! (finally…)

  1. Thanks for the update and photos! I’ve missed the Blog. Sorry you are not feeling well now, thank goodness you have time to rest a bit. Hugs all around

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